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agony | |
bbq | |
capitoldome | |
checkthisout | |
dinyar | |
drum | |
eateateat | |
evanandhissexymaxima | |
evanexcited | |
firstmeeting | |
fortherecord | |
fuzz | |
lbj | |
losing | |
manofgrapes | |
ohno | |
ohthatsawinner | |
onemoregame | |
onemoregameagain | |
parkinglot | |
pondering | |
reaching | |
self | |
sittingsmoking | |
texas | |
thechoices | |
thegameisonedollarhighcard | |
thevote | |
ut | |
victory | |
what | |
whowhatspencer | |
winning | |
yesthosearereallivingcows |
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This page was brought to you by sh, sed, awk, find and convert.
Questions? Comments? Email Chris Chen.