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dontshoottheinnocenttrees | |
dunk | |
fording | |
happygunowner | |
ifwewerechewingtobaccothiswouldbeperfect | |
imnotasmartman | |
imsmilingbecauseithinkthatwashighlyillegal | |
inapreviouslifeiwasapeacefulman | |
itsover | |
mynameisjoelandihaveammo | |
redneckposer | |
seanpausesforamomentofreflection | |
shootoverthereoverthere | |
thatcokecanismine | |
thatisaswathofdestruction | |
themini14isloud | |
thisisthesmoothpart | |
tierneyandrhoadessplash | |
waitletmeshootmyfoot | |
wearetheshit | |
whenhesayspullyoupull | |
wowmyshoulderhurts |
Go [ back in time. | up the tree. | into the future! ]
This page was brought to you by sh, sed, awk, find and convert.
Questions? Comments? Email Chris Chen.