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bigsauce | |
breadpiesbeeryouknowtheusual | |
carefulapplicationofthesauce | |
damnthatsaniceturkey | |
dumpingthosecoals | |
erinemmikeandmatilda | |
gotsauce | |
ithinkmikeistellingastory | |
ivestoppeddrinkingiswear | |
iwastalking | |
lookatthosecoals | |
lusciousturkey | |
mikeandwilbytheturkey | |
mikeandwiltendtothecoals | |
mikestirsuphismix | |
neckmeatneckmeatneckmeat | |
onesizefitsall | |
pleasestopticklingme | |
sauceextraction | |
singmikesing | |
taylor | |
taylorhiding | |
thermonuclearwarandsex | |
umyeah | |
vealchair | |
vulcan | |
wilactslikeafuddyduddy | |
willosesit | |
wilreaches | |
wowaremylipsthatred |
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This page was brought to you by sh, sed, awk, find and convert.
Questions? Comments? Email Chris Chen.